Whoops! Sorry about that. I fell off the intertubes for a few days. Time for a recap?
Friday night I played Skyrim from about 2100 hours to 0545 hours Saturday morning. That game is...I don't even have the words to tell you how awesome that game is. It's like Oblivion, plus Bioshock, plus everything awesome in this world, wrapped up in dragons, and set down lovingly in a snowy world that's as pretty as anything I've ever seen in real life.
Saturday I worked from 0700 to 1900. Same for Sunday. Neither day was particularly busy, but we had weird problems with some of our doors and stuff. *shrugs*
Today, I'm at work, almost done. Two more hours to go, and then I'm off for three days. So freakin' ready it's not even funny. Next Sunday I've got a trip to the local (sorta) RenFest, so that'll be epic, and then I work Monday, and will be off for ten days for Thanksgiving. Dallas, here I come...
And I see that I do actually have people who read my blog from time to time, so I'd like to invite (in case I haven't already) yall to comment or question me in the comments down below. I'll answer what I can, and try to answer what I can't. Or just say "Hi". Blogging without an audience is okay, but I kinda feel like I'm talking to a room full of cameras.......
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