Went and did the Avengers Movie Marathon (Iron Man 1&2, Incredible Hulk, Thor, and Captain America) before the midnight release. Totally worth the 15 hours I spent in the theater. Never again, though. Can't imagine any film coming out that I'd need to sit through that much time for.......maybe Justice League....Joss Whedon's Justice League.
I've been catching up on some shows on Netflix, and I've tried re-watching X-Men: The Animated Series, Spiderman: The Animated Series, and a bunch of other shows that I loved when I was younger. Unfortunately, it's just not the same. Don't get me wrong. I still love the shows, and have magical, sparkly, youth tinted memories from the shows, but it's just not the same...
I finally finished Dollhouse, and it was everything it should've been. Except, as usual, it was cancelled. DANG IT!!! I tried watching it back when it was airing, but I only caught the first half of the first episode, and being the Whedonite that I am, I couldn't jump in without knowing everything (which is why I never watched Buffy). Joss Whedon and Amy Acker always make me cry....
I did, however, just find Star Trek: The Next Generation on Netflix. I started watching "Encounter at Farpoint", and other than chuckling at beardless Jonathan Frakes (Commander William T. Riker, for those who don't know) and the awfully young Wil Wheaton (Shut up, Wesley!), it was just as good as I remember. I'm about halfway through the episode, and I've pretty much decided that it shall become my life until I'm done with it. No TV, very little gaming, and only what errands I HAVE to do.
I watched some of Star Trek (TOS) when I was a kid, as re-runs, but I was young enough that Picard will always be my Captain. Kirk was great, but I grew up with the Enterprise D. It will always be home, in my little nerd heart.
I'm a Trekker, or Trekkie, or Star Trek Fan. I don't care what you want to label me as. It applies. I'm the hardcore "Um, actually, let me correct your facts." Trekkie, that folks hate, and I'm also the "Oh, you silly silly tar monster. Leave Tasha alone." fan who can poke fun at what was and still is, in all honesty, ridiculous fun.